The APD News 2024
Under construction: Do a year search in the APD to find out the current total for 2024.
Jan 3, 2024: The recorded lectures for the first half from the APD 20 symposium have been edited by Lyssa White and uploaded to "Conference" of the APD database by Gus Wang. The lectures for Sessions III and IV will be uploaded when ready.
The APD News 2023
Dec 29, 2023: APD web pages such as About and Tools have been updated.
Dec 28, 2023: 73 new natural AMPs have been inserted in 2023.
Oct 6, 2023: The first virtual antimicrobial peptide symposium "Antimicrobial Peptides: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" was successfully held at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Over 180 students and faculty from 27 countries participated in the meeting.
Sept 2023: The paper "The antimicrobial peptide database is 20 years old: Recent developments and future directions" is online.
The APD News 2022
Dec 30, 2022: 91 new natural AMPs registered in 2022. In total, 202 new AMPs have been registered in the APD. This includes machine learning predicted/validated sequences from natural sources. These peptides form a new class in the APD and are annotated as "predicted".
Dec 2022: Hydrophobic diversification in the database filtering technology led to a simultaneous increase in antifungal activity and a decrease in toxicity.
Oct 25, 2022: A database analysis of rich AMPs has been published. Based on the greater than 25% definition, rich AMPs have been found for 17 amino acids except for Met, Asn, and Gln.
March 23, 2022: All "natural AMPs" from the six life kingdoms are now unified under the same umbrella "Natural AMPs" searchable in the NAME field (currently >3000 in the APD). Note that this does not include those natural peptides that have not been tested for antimicrobial activity.
Feb 15, 2022: The Universal Peptide Classification system proposed based on antimicrobial peptides has been updated.
Jan 3, 2022: To facilitate the search of selective AMPs for microbiota, the APD has established a more complete activity annotation system: active (MIC < 100 uM) (e.g., E. coli), inactive (MIC > 100 uM) (e.g., E.coli), and activity uncertain (MIC not greater than 100 uM) (e.g., E-coli MIC >32 uM).
The APD News 2021
Oct 25, 2021: 44 new natural AMPs reported in 2021 have been registered in the APD.
Oct 22, 2021: Upon the request of users, a FASTA output for any APD search has been enabled and can be downloaded via the icon at the bottom of each search output.
Oct 1, 2021: Define the word "Amino acid rich" for short peptides less than 10 amino acids. It must contain three same amino acids.
Sept 16, 2021: APD milestones and new features.
June 2021: The APD has been reprogrammed for cybersecurity, as indicated by a change of the website from http to https.
The APD News 2020
Dec 11, 2020: Upon the request of users, a temporary website was established for the APD at, which has been closed with the opening of the new APD site.
Oct 28, 2020: The APD was shut down due to a cyberattack to UNMC.
Oct 26, 2020: 52 new natural AMPs reported in 2020 have been registered in the APD.
Oct 22, 2020: Select interesting AMPs discovered during 2015-2019
Oct 7, 2020: Antimicrobials isolated from commensal bacteria can be viewed in "Source Organism" by typing "microbiota" followed by Search
Sept 14, 2020: The APD AMP sequences have been sorted and converted into the fasta format. Converted by Joy Xu.
Aug 8, 2020: Bioinformatic analysis of 1000 amphibian antimicrobial peptides registered in the APD Antibiotics(Basel).
July 28, 2020: Database + structure designed horine and verine show systemic efficacy PNAS.
July 21, 2020: The search for
have been enabled.June 4, 2020: APD3 Antimicrobial peptide sequences 2020 release in the FASTA format can now be downloaded here.Converted by Joy Xu. Pay attention to ID shifts due to conversion.
April 1, 2020: Updated AMP News
Feb 14, 2020: Search icons for
(tuberculosis), (T2D), and (LPS neutralization) have been enabled. Name updated Feb 19.The APD News 2019
Dec 30, 2019: There are 90 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2019.
July 30, 2019: It is proposed that the APD provides a platform for decoding the design principles of natural AMPs.
July 2, 2019: Database-designed peptides with low cationicity shows systemic in vivo efficacy (PNAS).
June 12, 2019: Updated AMP timeline and my tools.
The APD News 2018
Dec 24, 2018: There are 95 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2018.
Nov 20, 2018: The search icons for anti-toxin, anti-MRSA, anti-inflammatory and ion channel inhibitors have been enabled. These functions were initially annotated in the Add Info field. As described in the APD3 paper, AMPs against ANY pathogen, including the ESKAPE pathogens, can be searched in this original database. Such search functions were accumulated in the APD in the past 15 years and will continute to grow with time.
Jan 5, 2018: AMP classification page updated (in the APD, an amino acid-rich AMP is defined as having a specific aa at least 30%, e.g. Trp-rich, Asp-rich).
The APD News 2017
Dec 29, 2017: There are 115 AMPs in the APD reported in 2017.
Dec 27, 2017: Timeline was updated.
July 24, 2017: Thanks to the IT who repaired the APD server on the same day to minimize its downtime!
May 1, 2017: "Surface immobilized AMPs" are now annotated in the APD as well.
April 18, 2017: Created "AMP News". You're welcome to submit your news.
March 7-15, 2017: Updated "About" and created "Conference".
The APD News 2016
Dec 30, 2016: There are 103 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2016.
Oct 17, 2016: The About and Links interfaces were updated. The links now only list online accesible databases for AMPs (see the references for a historic list containing old ones).
June 8, 2016: The AMP search interface was updated.
April 30, 2016: 3D structures updated.
January 4, 2016: The APD3 paper is now published with 2619 entries.
The APD News 2015
December 30, 2015: There are 126 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2015.
November 23, 2015: The manuscript for the third version of the APD (APD3) was published online.
April 1, 2015: Antimicrobial peptide Discovery Timeline version 2015 is now available.
March 23, 2015: Antimicrobial peptides in 2014, a highlight of the 2014 AMP research.
January 12, 2015: A universal peptide classification method based on the covalent linking patterns of polypeptide chains.
The APD News 2014
December 2014: The AMP search interface was updated.
December 30, 2014: There are 143 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2014.
November 25, 2014: From the main page of the APD, you can download the APD peptide sequences in the FASTA format (2014 release) (converted by Dong Chuan).
August 30, 2014: The icon search for antimalarial peptides as well as AMPs with
or was enabled.May 26, 2014: The APD links page was expanded to include some AMP prediction programs.
February 14, 2014: Additional APD links were enabled for you to directly rotate and view the 3D structure of AMPs deposited into the Protein Data Bank (PDB).
January 2, 2014: The tools web page was established to allow you to explore other aspects of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs).
The APD News 2013
December 30, 2013: There are 134 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2013.
November 2013: The prediction interface of the APD was updated. It makes prediction based on the peptide parameter space determined by the APD database as well as sequence homology search in the database.
The APD News 2012
December 30, 2012: There are 136 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2012.
August 2012: Ab initio design based on database filtering technology is demonstrated.
The APD News 2011
December 30, 2011: There are 264 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2011. This peak in the annual plot for natural AMP discovery can be attributed to the development and application of genomic and proteomic approaches (Wang, 2023).
The APD News 2010
December 30, 2010: There are 106 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2010.
November 2010: A systematic 3D structrural classification of AMPs was published in Chapter 1, Antimicrobial Peptides.
March 2010: Database-guided design and improvement of anti-HIV peptides is demonstrated.
The APD News 2009
Dec 30, 2009: There are 99 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2009.
Jan 2009: The article that describes the second version of the APD database with 1228 entries (APD2) was published.
The APD News 2008
December 30, 2008: There are 120 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2008.
The APD News 2007
December 30, 2007: There are 105 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2007.
The APD News 2006
December 30, 2006: There are 117 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2006.
Nov 30, 2006: A list of eight known databases for antimicrobial peptides was first reported in this review.
The APD News 2005
December 30, 2005: There are 67 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2005.
Feb 2005: The first demonstration of template-based peptide design based on the APD sequence motif search (Wang et al., 2005).
The APD News 2004
December 30, 2004: There are 89 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2004.
January 1, 2004: The birth of the Antimicrobial Peptide Database (APD) was announced in Nucleic Acids Research.
The APD News 2003
December 30, 2003: There are 104 natural AMPs in the APD reported in 2003. Note: The annual number has reduced in 2023 due to our exclusion of natural peptides that lack antimicrobial activity.
August 2003: The Antimicrobial Peptide Database with 525 AMP entries was first online.